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» National Youth Policy
» National Youth Policy
» National Youth Policy
» National Youth Policy
» National Youth Policy
» National Youth Policy


We believe that we all have a common dream!

We would all like to see a world with less racism, drugs and violence, more love and happiness, and better understanding between people. The big question is, can we achieve these things through "Pakistan O-Sport Federation" Oh yes, we can! Every time ONE of the millions of people who practice in our dojos and training halls all over the world, comes from his training session with a smile on his lips and a satisfying feeling of achievement in his heart, we have taken another step towards a better world! After all, happy and harmonious people make a happy and harmonious world! We believe that Martial Arts is not only about becoming a good athlete, learning how to manage spectacular and efficient kicks, throws and punches; it's also about becoming a better human being. Practicing Martial Arts is a good way to achieve personal development on a higher level. It gives strength to the weak, and teaches the arrogant to be humble. Martial Arts create an environment where we are tough about important aspects of life, such as respect, humanity, discipline and self-knowledge, in a positive manner. People join to us for various reasons, but many do so because they feel insecure, in one way or another. These days many have experienced bullying, problems in their families caused by drugs, divorces, and physical or mental abuse, and so on. We have both the knowledge and the ambition to provide them with support, give them self-confidence, teach them to rely on themselves and give them the means to walk through life with a sense of security and pride. Our federation functions as an extended family, providing mentorship to help guiding us through the changes of life. Everyone is welcome to join us; men, women, young, old, disabled. We all have something to learn, and something to teach. We are here for YOU, for US, for EACH OTHER. We are a team. THE WINNING TEAM! In our particular way of .touching tomorrow - today., we invite you to join with us in our quest: to bring about a lasting peace upon our planet. Peace!

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